What are Body Weight exercises? Body Weight exercises, also known as Calisthenics, are a series of movements that leverage your body weight in order to stretch, exercise and build muscle. I started lifting weights about 3 years ago but quickly found myself unsatisfied with … [Read more...]
What is a Drum Circle?
What is a drum circle? Imagine that you're camping in the woods at your favorite music festival when you hear the distant rhythm of drums. Feel your curiosity peak, and your senses heighten. Let the primal urge flow within you as you begin your search for the source of the … [Read more...]
Slightly Stoopid performs Franklin’s Tower w/ Bob Weir and Karl Denson!
Check out this incredible version of Franklin's Tower performed by Slightly Stoopid w/ Bob Weir and Karl Denson! Recorded live at Bob Weir's cutting edge Tri Studio's, the quality of this video is top-notch. Featuring standard Bobby antics and a funky twist on a Grateful Dead … [Read more...]
3 Simple Strategies to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint
The facts supporting human-induced climate change continue to pile up, and they strongly suggest that an increase in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses have directly contributed to the global warming of our planet. The earth is our only home and we need to treat it like … [Read more...]
The Best Reef Safe Sunscreens
Divers, snorkelers, and outdoor enthusiasts alike may be unknowingly damaging the very coral reefs they love to explore. A new study shows that a common UV blocking chemical found in sunscreen, oxybenzone, is extremely damaging to coral. … [Read more...]